Sunday, May 6, 2012

Reflection on My Reflection

While working with the software for the digital reflection, I began to really appreciate the ease at which "live" lessons could be recorded by teachers to enhance student understandings. Although I haven't done it yet, I plan to record future graphic presentations (fancy term for PowerPoint), and have them available for my students who might miss the actual presentation because of illness or other legitimate reason for an absence. I also have to thank Jeff for explaining how easy it is to resize embedded information in our blogs on that first day of class, because I had to recall that information to neatly fit my digital presentation in the space available. Thanks again to all who helped me increase my techknowledge (pun intended) throughout the semester.  -Carl

1 comment:

  1. This is what your title reminds me of...,r:0,s:0,i:75
