Thursday, January 26, 2012


The general idea from all of the “Focus On” articles, is that teachers need to be aware of their students’ backgrounds and cultures to teach effectively. To simply teach to a generic student, does not provide the insights or connections that all students benefit from. These connections foster increased information retention and life long application. By ignoring the diverse nature of today’s classrooms we ignore our students’ individuality, and needs.

Asian/Pacific Islander:
-Recognize the cultural differences, and diversity of this enormous group.  Include curriculum that highlights achievements, and contributions to world history and the advancement of knowledge. The A/PI population is increasing in the local areas, and additional emphasis should be paid to ensure inclusion, and understanding.

-Instruction should be focused on cultural interrelation, and purpose for the instruction. Connections should be emphasized to demonstrate the connections of learning to school, community and family.

African American:
-Provide students with challenging and meaningful instruction.  Hold all students to the same standards. Understand the student’s individual background, and their particular learning profiles.  Connections should be made to culture, family, and community to promote the need for learning.

-Provide a safe environment where students do not have to worry about acceptance and tolerance. Show all students that the classroom is a caring and safe place, where negative or derogatory behavior will not be tolerated.  Provide positive exposure to LGBTQ role models throughout the curriculum.

Native American:
-Tie curriculum to cultural richness and history.  Acknowledge the infusion of Native American languages/words in our national vocabulary and naming convention.

-Provide positive role models through instructional materials.  Break down stereotypes, and deemphasize male/female roles in our culture. Ensure that educational materials represent contributions of females in math/science.


Activities 7.1 & 7.2 will be conducted F2F with School Team.


Hard copies will be brought to class.


The tasks that I would like to oversee and feel confident about are:

Task 1: Them for Interdisciplinary Thematic Unit
Task 3: Context Information- Community, School & Student Population
Task 4: Unit Rationale- Enduring understandings, Essential Questions
Task 7: Unit Calendar
Task 8 Technology Applications
Task 9: Art Component


As teachers we should embrace new technologies and employ them in the best ways to benefits our students. Just as schools have moved from slide projectors to animated PowerPoint presentations, we must continue to search for technologies that can better communicate the information being presented.  Much like life long learning, teachers cannot be satisfied with what has been used in the past. We must constantly seek out those cutting edge technologies that will make our teaching more effective.  

1 comment:

  1. Good work on RR 1, 4 & 6. Share information on RR, when you complete them.
